Friday, January 21, 2011

New Beginnings

Well, I start my new blog and then I disappear from the face of the earth for a few months. Not good. However, it's a new year and and new start at trying to keep up with my blog over here. My day job has been extremely busy so my writing time has been pretty non existant. I had been hoping to do Nanowrimo and signed up and everything but sadly I was so overwhelmed with work that I didn't have a chance to perform. I like the idea of Nano but I think the time of year is not good for me. Maybe if it was in February or March instead of November would work for me. I'm thinking of trying again, I'll keep you posted.

I've also decided to enter a short story into the Toronto Star's writing competion. First prize is $5000 plus admission to a correspondance writing course. There is also second and third place prizes of $2000, and $1000 and all three stories will be posted in the paper. The only down side is that I can't submit under my pen name. Oh, did I mention that Kenna Wolfgram is a pen name. Well, it is. So I'll actually have to submit under my actual name. That's a little scary, but I think I'm going to do it.

So happy New Year to you, a little late, and watch this space, because I still have a lot to say.